Thursday, January 17, 2008

Good Morning!

In the cool light of dawn, one can begin to hear the cooing and giggling of Bronwen St. Romain.  It sounds faint at first, hardly a peep, but then as the sun rises, so does the volume of joy emanating from the bedroom.  Dawn is here, and it is time to play!  One enters into the nursery on all fours to observe the baby in her natural state.  Slowly creeping into the room, a picture is snapped! 

 One can observe the busy hands of Bronwen clutching at the bumper of her crib, looking over at something she finds interesting.  Time for a closer approach.

The camera has been discovered--a happy baby looks out to see who has joined her this fine morn.  What shall her reaction be when she sees her mom looking back at her?  

What a way to begin the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous!!!!! I want Bronwen to smile at me in the morning. I can see she does take after Aunt Jan starting each day with a smile. At least now I can see her smile here!
I am so glad you are back.
Hugs and Kisses,
Aunt Jan