Sunday, March 9, 2008

Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?

Bronwen and I spend our days going room to room playing with toys until one of us gets bored. This nomadic existence is not nearly as exciting as it would seem, considering we only have a couple of rooms to explore, and Bronwen's favorite "toys" are the exact things with which she shouldn't be playing (read: cords, phones, and chargers, oh my!). After a particularly exciting foray into the world of office supplies, we decided to head back into the nursery where we discovered a squatter had taken possession of the crib.

What I saw:

What Bronwen saw:What Pepper Saw:
(ie: the back of her eyelids)

What fun! Bronwen thought this was hilarious. I thought it was extremely nice of Pepper to keep the bed warm for the baby before her nap time.


Anonymous said...

Daisy and Trixie want to know why they don't have a nice bed like Cousin Pepper....

Sister you crack me up! what Pepper saw *shakes head* I am still laughing...

mimi said...

Daisy & Trixie would REALLY be jealous of the boys' new bed (aka Bronwen's pac n play). They would love the color!

Little Bee you are going to have so much fun at Mimi's, but I'll have to start removing dangerously low lying object de arts ;)

Babsy said...

heehee...what pepper saw!

Veronica said...


Aunt Kadee said...

That spot looks cozy enough for even the Easter Bunny. If Georgia, Anna Kate and Shelby are missing candy on Easter morning, we will know why. We will miss seeing you, Bronwen this Sunday. We will have an Easter Egg Hunt just for you when you come back to our house.