Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Light Reading

I know how important early exposure to reading books can be for babies and young children. I read to Bronwen each night, or TJ does, and she usually enjoys adventuring with her Personal Penguin or bidding Good Night to the Moon. Sadly, this is not enough for her any more. She has decided that she wants to take matters into her own hands and read without my assistance.

I allowed her full access to my library. She perused the shelves, her eyes searching for the text that would fulfill her yearning for good literature. After choosing her tome, she settled into the couch, scanning the front cover for any clue of the adventures contained within.

Finding the cover acceptable, she opened the book and began to scan the contents.

She needed something to munch on as she became more involved in the tale. Instead of chips or popcorn, she opted for her ergonomically designed pacifier, which seemed to satisfy her craving. Here I interrupt her as she is almost halfway into her reading.

I know the suspense is killing you. What did Bronwen find so engrossing? What book could possibly have kept her attention for so long? Let's just say...she is obviously MY child.


mimi said...

Can't believe I've been commenting before the indefatigueable (is that a word) Aunt Jan!! See Bronwen, Mimi loves you best. What a reader!! When you get here you'll have to provide me with a synopsis since I could never get through Chaucer myself. Maybe the pacifier is the needed acoutrement.

Anonymous said...

Beware of any literature discussion with Sparkles...she reads summaries on the internet! I see that I will have to skip right over the board book classics and get right to English Lit for you! What i want to know is Old English or a translation?

Aunt Jan

ps Aunt Jan loves you she just has to go to work unlike some people...

Anonymous said...

Just remember that the Lady of Bath is our FAVORITE! just ask Mom
