Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Autumn Activities

Today started cool and crisp, finally feeling somewhat like fall. Bronwen and I were excited, and we decided to walk around the neighborhood. As we were strolling, Bronwen came up with the fantastic idea of going to buy gourds, pumpkins, and mums at the store. Maybe I was the one who had the idea, but she quickly seconded the motion.

We went to the outdoor market and found some lovely squash and then to Home Depot for some mums. Bronwen helped pick out everything, and even offered to carry the pumpkin--sadly she couldn't because it weighs more than she does.

We arrived home and promptly went to work planting the new flowers and arranging the produce. Bronwen used her garden tools to help move dirt, but I did all the actual planting. It took me a little time to convince Bronwen the new mums weren't weeds--she thought they didn't belong and tried valiantly to pull them out with her bare hands. Thankfully, I helped her to see they added something pretty to the garden.

Here Bronwen wipes dirt from her hands after a long morning's labor.
Yet she still has time to wave to the neighbors as they drive into the neighborhood.Bronwen supervises my planting, making sure she likes the arrangement.
After we went inside, we were hot and sweaty from being in the sun, so I took off Bronwen's shirt and she helped me make my sandwich for lunch (she is holding my cheese in her hand). The past two days have been tough--she hasn't been eating well. Lunch time is basically whatever I can get her to eat, and sometimes it might just be some grapes and Life cereal. Today I made a game of it, which Bronwen thought was great. I got her to eat ham!

T.J. arrived home and took Bronwen for a run. She actually took this picture of him. Not too bad!
She was so proud of all the work she did!


Jana said...

Which of your sisters wanted to play the ham game too???
I am glad that you supervised your momma in the yard, it looks beautiful!!!


Tiff said...

I think Pepper was jealous and wanted some ham, too!
The Fall arrangement looks beautiful. I'm jealous that you can still wear shorts.

Jen said...

The meow was Cassie--Mollie was on my other side wanting a bite as well.

mimi said...

Whew! What a worker girl!! How about a picture of the finished yard project?

Anonymous said...

I'm very impressed with your gardening and decorating skills! If you run out of projects, please come across the yard could definitely use some decorating! :)

Babsy said...

Another picture of her cleaning her hands. You are raising a neat freak.