The idea of leaving so early was to ensure Bronwen's slumber for at least half of the journey. Alas, she foiled our master plan and remained saucer-eyed for all but 20 minutes of a 6.5 hour journey. Still, she was a trooper, and led us all in singing many They Might Be Giants ditties.
We dined at Cracker Barrel, and T.J. bought Bronwen a dump truck. It was a small one, of course, so if you need any toothpicks, quarters, or marbles dumped somewhere, you know who to call.
When we arrived at the beach house, I was exhausted. My eyes were gritty, my joints were stiff, and I was a tad loopy from lack of sleep. So what was the first thing we did you inquire?
We took a family picture!
Scott Strikes ninja pose as the rest of us figure out how to squeeze all 134 of us on the porch.
View from our top floor balcony (this is the "artistic" view. If you looked straight ahead, you say a few houses and then the ocean) :
For our dinner night, I had the girls make their own pizzas, and then I made pizzas for the adults.
Maybe you should get teej a new GA tech hat for your anniversary. Just saying...
Great pics. I love the footprints! You better frame it.
These are great pics. I'm so sad that i've been missing out on so much by not being able to blog at work. I think i'll bring my laptop and try to find a network to break into at lunch:)
B--you are so right, except I got him a new LSU hat (already distressed) for Christmas. I am never getting him a white/light hat again. Ewwww. He lets Bronwen touch that thing!
Looks like it was afun trip. We're going to the beach in August and looking at your pictures makes me wish we were going next week!
PS-I have some more baby questions coming your way...
Bronwen, it's the Heisman pose that Uncle Scott is sporting in the picture. Please forgive Mama for not knowing, though, you can depend on your Daddy to teach you everything about the wonderful world of college football.
Where to begin with all of these photos?
Great family photo...
I'm jealous of your abs...
Of course Bronwen knows how to swim! It's been just over a year since she spent 10 months swimming around :)
LOVE the feet pic... that's a keeper
I bet that diaper was fun to change....
6 girls! How fun to make pizza with their Aunt Jen... can I come next time?????
And forever cute!
OK... I'm done (for now, muah!)
I LOVE the footprint pic! Good call!
It looks like you guys had a blast.
I still can't believe there are six girls and no boys!
Aunt Jan is so sad she didn't get to go to the beach too! Maybe one day you will come see me and we can go to the beach together. I will teach you to use the slot machines :) Also I will talk to your momma about those swimming lessons. No baby water wings for you!!!!
Aunt Jan
So many comments, so little time....Bronwen your sandals are so cute! (Of course Mimi would notice the shoes) I also love the red sofa (and the blue one in your room) hmmmm I need to check the mountain house quickly. Your eyes match the ocean's blue. Wish I could have been there.
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