Tuesday, July 29, 2008


About a week ago, T.J. told me that Bronwen could do this, and I was a wee-bit skeptical. Yet my doubt was ridiculous, because, sure enough, when I sat down with her today, she had no problems!

This is a rare video--mainly showcasing Bronwen's finger instead of her entire cute self, but it was too amazing to resist. I know; I am being one of "those" moms. Sue me. Hope the video isn't too dark.

Now, a picture of Bronwen to make up for the poor lighting:


Jana said...

You are brilliant! Aunt Jan is so proud of you :)

Jana said...

Your shirt looks smashing! I want to give you 1 billion kisses!!!!
I love you

Anonymous said...

Dude!!! I couldn't even find the butterfly! She is a genius!

Tiff said...

Don't apologize for just filming her finger. It's been shadowed by B's cuteness in so many other videos and photos, it was time the finger had its own video :)

Bronwen, you are amazing!

Jen said...

Thank you all my great friends who aren't rolling your eyes at my pride! I'm sure most 14 month olds can do the same!

Jana said...

To borrow from some of my Maury Povitch friends...
I am 320% sure that not very many 14 month-olds can do that. Especially Liam McDermott :)

Jen said...

Are you trying to get Tori to come and kick my bum? *edited for young readers*

mimi said...

I've been working so hard I've hardly had time to check the blog and now look what I've bee missing!!! Bronwen, you are a chip off the old Mum (and Grandmum). Remember Jen you were reading way before you went to K.