Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday Morning 3 a.m.

It was actually 4 a.m.; I was lying in bed, listening to the wonderful sounds of silence, when the murmurs of movement caused me to turn slowly towards the monitor. I fervently hoped it would remain quiet; alas, it was not meant to be. Bronwen was awake.

I went to her room, changed her diaper, and said, "Bye, Bye, Love," hoping she would go back to sleep...actually I changed her diaper because lately it has been leaking in the bed. I thought I could prevent yet another sheet change by putting a fresh diaper on her early--as it turned out, Bronwen got me by peeing all over as the diaper came off. Sometimes babies can be so frustrating, but at least I only had to change the onesie instead of both the onesie and the crib sheets.

5 a.m. I woke TJ, forcing him to say so long to Frank Lloyd Wright, or whom/whatever he was dreaming about, and told him the baby was awake and feelin' groovy. TJ was awesome, opening his eyes, seeing his baby's face smiling at him, and immediately smiling back. Hm. Then again, I don't know who wouldn't be happy waking up to that smile. TJ went ahead and got up to get ready for work--I smelled something emanating from Bronwen's nether regions, and TJ was kind enough to change her before his shower. At this point, I don't know what happened, as I returned into the sweet slumber of overtired moms.

TJ left for work; Bronwen was back in her crib snoozing, and I was back asleep. Then she started making her noises again. I brought her into bed with me for cuddling--around 6:30 or so. I could tell she was trying to wake up, so I started kissing her cheeks and neck. The little faker kept her eyes closed but smiled. It was Punky's dilemma--do I open my eyes, or sleep a little more? She ended up doing the former. I lifted her up and asked, "Bronwen, are you ready for action?" To which she replied "Pfffft." Yes, she passed gas a beat after my question. Apparently she has he dad's bodily functions, and her mom's witty comebacks.

Now that the sun is burning in the sky, we have done tummy time--with Pepper coaching. Bronwen is enjoying tummy time much more now--which is a relief. She really hated it at first, but can now easily go 10 minutes at a time.

Bronwen has also been working on sitting up by herself--with her over-anxious mom propping pillows every which way since she has a bit of Weeble action going on. Unlike Weebles, Bronwen will fall down, so I have to make sure she has ample padding.

Which leads us to now, 10:48 a.m. My baby is sleeping, like a rock and an island, and I am ready for a snack!


Anonymous said...

You and Bronwen obviously have a groovy thing gonin baby, got a groovy thing....

What I find completely random though, is the fact that my work music for this week is Collected Works.

Jen said...

Thank you, Sisiter, for getting my imbedded S&G references. Maybe I should try Neil next. Because she ain't heavy, she's my daughter.