1. Make sure you're wearing the proper gear, and don't forget to use the hood to keep your head warm.
2. Roll the snow into a big ball, or at least into a big pile.
3. Take a break.
4. Invite friends over and give Frosty a face.
5. Give Frosty a nice, cold jacket to block those harmful rays of sunlight.
6. Make Frosty come to life with a magical old silk hat.
Okay, they got kind of stuck on #6. Bronwen felt a bit melancholy that she could not make Frosty come to life, and Daddy felt genuinely remorseful that he could not provide the magical hat to do the trick. But Frosty faithfully greeted our neighbors for the next two days and will always live in our memories of our first North Carolina Christmas.
You call THAT snow!?!?!
It was a fine snowman although it didn't have a magic hat. :)
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