Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Secret

Please, if anyone out there in my reading audience is aware of the secret, will you please clue me in? I really want input here. To what am I referring, you inquire? Simple: How do you pick a good watermelon? If you have tips about cantaloupe, it will also be welcomed, but the truth is I can usually sniff out a good one of those. For instance, the other day I smelled what promised to be a delicious cantaloupe. The next day I was loading Bronwen into the Jetta and thought to myself, "Self, this car smells like cantaloupe." That is when I realized that when I was putting away my produce the previous day, I never unloaded the cantaloupes I had purchased. I opened the trunk, and those little suckers had rolled out of the bags and hidden themselves neatly behind the stroller. And what of my olfactory delight? Molded. It was disgusting.

That was a disappointment. But I digress.

If anyone has a good tip about picking the right watermelon, please let me know. Oh, honeydew as well--but I'm thinking if you know how to pick a good melon, it has to apply universally, right?

By chance, I just happened to purchase a delicious one this weekend. Anyone who knows me knows of my penchant for fruit. I tend to be quite selfish, too. Of course I share with Bronwen, but TJ...not so much.

If you all saw the pictures from her first taste of watermelon, you are aware that my Bronwen also loves it. That is why I was really happy that the fruit gods were kind enough to smile upon me this once. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

You are lucky your mom will share fruit with you. I can remember having to beg for a blueberry. :)
You have gotten to be such a big girl. I like your new pacifier :)

I miss you!
Aunt Jan

ps just so you know I am growing cantaloupe and you can have as many as you want.

Leslie said...

I've heard that the stem should be brown. I have no idea why or if it's true:)

Anonymous said...

Well, I've seen people knock on the watermelon, although I'm not sure what that tells you.
I personally cannont seem to aquire a taste for catelope, but I've been told to take your thumbnail and if you can press it into where the stem was (the belly button) then it's ripe. Good luck!