Sunday, May 25, 2008

Splish Splash--Pt I

It was hot today. I don't mean pleasantly warm. I don't mean slightly humid. It was hot. I expected to see the neighbors running around with pitchforks, directing people to the seventh inner circle. So all my friends in Kentucky, New Jersey, and Delaware can *content edited for the innocent eyes* and quit telling me of the lovely weather you all are enjoying.

T.J. wanted desperately to grill out, so I relented, so long as he provided the means of an oasis in the hazy heat of the day. That he did, with the aid of a baby pool, cold beverages, and an industrial-sized fan.
I suited the baby up in her new giraffe swimsuit--thanks Leslie!--and her new sun hat--thanks Aunt Kadee! I pulled out my vintage bikini and we went outside to check out the pool. Bronwen had only minimal experience with the baby pool to date. She had her feet in it at her birthday, but at that time, the moment I put her bum in the water, she was unhappy.

This time, we took it slowly, and I let explore the water and pool, getting a feel for what was happening.

I think it worked much better.

First, I let her splash around in the water.

Then it was time to stick her feet in the coolness . She decided to wave to her daddy, so proud that she was playing in the pool. She also wanted him to come and join her. Never being one to resist the invitation of a cute girl, T.J. happily took a break from grilling duties and splashed around for a bit.

Bronwen was so happy she kissed him.

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

I love your new bathing suit. I wonder if Leslie would get me one too :) Could you please ask your daddy to get some more sun? I am suffering for temporary blindness.

I know you will soon love your baby pool. I know I loved mine. In fact maybe I should get one for my yard. Will you come over and play with me?

I love you,
XOXO Aunt Jan

mimi said...

I concur with Aunt Jana. TJ PLEASE get a tan. Your whiteness could get a polar bear excited.
Bronwen you are too cute as usual and Jenny all I can say is I'm jealous!!!!!

Babsy said...

Too funny. I clicked to comment on Teej's whiteness, but was beat to the punchline by your mom and sis.

Jen said...

Did you guys not hear? White is the new tan.

And much more attractive than melanoma.

Anonymous said...

Forget the tan, when TJ's in the pool, there's no room for Bronwen because of all the legs!
BTW Jen, you look great in a bikini! You don't need to hide behind Bronwen, who looks extra cute (as always).
And for Bronwen:
When you're older, I'll teach you how to belly flop in that pool! :)