Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bedtime Hilarity

I think this is pretty self-explanatory. This is Bronwen about 5 minutes before she went to bed. TJ was on the phone with Barbara and said, "She isn't going to bed anytime soon." I put her in her crib, and she was out with nary a peep. Every once in while you see my hand popping up--I was so scared she'd flop right off the couch, but she never did--I just couldn't bear to spoil her obvious fun. I had to tell TJ to tickle her because I couldn't!

So watch and see if you don't end up laughing along. I dare you.


Anonymous said...

Rats! I can't view video from my phone!!! now I will have to wait until I get back from dc :(

Babsy said...

I'm seeing a trend here...

Talking to me in the car; Bronwen can't stop laughing.

Talking to me at home; Bronwen can't stop laughing.

The baby loves my humor. I think she is even trying to say 'Barbara' in the beginning of the video.

Jen said...

Who doesn't love your humor, Babs?

Anonymous said...


I am a little worried that you laugh so much putting your head in the cushions. I want to come over and play on your couch....

Anonymous said...

Uh oh *hand on cheek* I am not anut Jan...
Apparently i am too tired to spell...

PS sorry about your name too.