Sunday, June 29, 2008


Here is Bronwen having a grand time playing in our tower room. It wasn't really a tower, but it was the top floor. I had plans of taping her on the couch, but she wasn't cooperating. I don't trust her on the couch unless I have an extra set of hands.


mimi said...

How much do I love the color of the room!! Bronwen, I'm sure you're sounding so cute, but I still can't hear you at home. I'll listen again on Monday!!

Tiff said...

I love your happy feet! and, as always, those melodious sounds.
Tell your momma not worry about putting you on the couch. I've hit my head plenty of times, and I'm fine!
(For those who don't know me, I am totally kidding about putting Bronwen in any danger)

Jana said...


I can certainly tell you take after your momma carrying your make-up around while you are playing.

I love you!