Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Eating with a Spoon

I think it's too early, but T.J. says she is ready. Since he gives her a bath every night, I've given him some latitude. What he really needs: patience, perseverance, lots of paper towels, and quite possibly...a poncho.


Anonymous said...


You are too cute.

Leslie said...

Good Job, B!

mimi said...

Bronwen you get the hang of everything so quickly. But (the dreaded word) it kind of reminded me of the way your great-grandma Stella eats her lunch. ;)

Jen said...

The difference between Bronwen and Granny is obvious--Bronwen is just learning, whereas Stella has had 93 years to practice. My baby is so advanced!

Veronica said...

I started Lindsey about the same age with at least holding a spoon during meal time and I'd feed her a few bites. Then, she would allow me to feed her only at the beginning of the meals when she was very hungry, and she'd take over half way thru. Then it turned into mom you can't feed me anymore- I'll spit it out if you do. Now, she holds a spoon in one hand and takes a few bites with it but usually ditches it and heck its just more efficient to eat with my hands, mom. Hence the photos on the blog today.